Early Act Helping Hands

Early Act Helping Hands of Wills Primary School, formerly Alpha Club of Wills Primary School was founded on September 1, 2005 to promote community service and fellowship amongst the students.
Mother Teresa once said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless". We, the Helping Hands, try to live by this statement. Members are encouraged to give whole heartedly to every cause or venture we undertake, as we know that the outcome would result in persons having a more optimistic outlook on life despite obstacles that may arise which tend to outshine the true joys of life.
Our organization promotes the making of legends who can proudly attest to changing the lives of those around them by spreading love and cheer everywhere they go.
As the years go by, the Helping Hands community grows from strength to strength. This success would not be possible without the assistance of our parents and students. It is for this reason that we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your continued dedication and support.
Team work and perseverance in ensuring our aspired goals are met, is what makes Wills Primary School Helping Hands a small yet powerful, life-changing association. We do hope that the future representatives of Helping Hands take up the mantle to ensure that the legacy we started lives on in the lives and hearts of many.
Alice George