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  • Personal Items and School Property
    Personal Items at School Items such as radios, toys, electronic games, game boys, trading card, etc.. should NOT be brought to school unless the teacher or school office has granted prior permission. However, we cannot be responsible for any such items, even if permission is granted. Cell phones are strictly prohibited. No pets allowed on school premises, except in special circumstances. ​ Respecting School Property Students are expected to respect school property. School property maliciously damaged by students will be repaired or replaced at the parent/guardian’s expense. Replacement Fees: Demerit Cards $3.00 Midterm Report Card $3.00 Report Card and Envelope $13.00 Damage/Defacing School Property: Penalty Fee $25.00 Chairs $70.00 Desks $100.00
  • Dress Code
    Wills Primary Students MUST wear the correct SCHOOL UNIFORM everyday as prescribed below. Nail polish or make up may not be worn at any time. Girls must wear hair accessories if they have shoulder length hair or longer to keep it up and away from the face. Hair bands and elastics MUST conform to the school colours, Blue and White or Black. No Jewellery other than watches are permitted with the exception of a single set of stud or very small loop earrings for girls. School badges and prefect badges must be worn at all times. BOYS A Navy Blue and White Shirt Jack (YOUTH JUNIOR) Navy Blue Shorts School Crest (available from the P.T.A. shop) must be fixed on left breast pocket on every uniform ​ GIRLS Available from Nico Sports or the school’s Pre-approved Wills seamstress Blue Dress with blue and white jack collar School Crest must be fixed on left breast of collar on every uniform ​ SHOES Kg 1 - 4: Brown, Black or Navy Blue Buckled/Velcro Shoes Class 1 – 4: Brown, Black or Navy Blue Laced or Buckled Shoes SOCKS White socks folded to the ankle ​ GAMES UNIFORM Twice a week each student will wear the Physical Education Uniform which includes a tee shirt of his/her house color (house colors will be assigned upon acceptance). It is advised to purchase at least two tee shirts. Games Shirts (available at the PTA Shop) Navy Blue Shorts Sneakers White Socks Sneakers (predominantly white sports/running) ​ Parents are advised that they must send a WRITTEN NOTE with a valid reason if your child is unable to wear the correct school uniform. Loss, forgetfulness or lack of laundering is not considered a valid excuse.
  • Emergency and Health/Safety
    EMERGENCY Of course keeping your child safe in our care is our top priority. However, there may be times when we may need to contact you to pick up your child during the school day. If your child becomes ill or if there are unforeseen weather circumstances (we follow the Ministry of Education’s school closures) that require early pick up we must be able to notify you quickly. Please make sure that your contact information is current and that we know how to contact you, or an emergency contact of your choice, at all times. We are also sensitive to family emergencies that might require you to pick up your child early from school. Please call the office directly: In the event of an accident or family emergency For changes in persons picking up your child (we can not released them without your express permission) With concerns relevant to school policies Please do refrain from calling the office for reasons other than those listed so that we may keep the lines open in case of an emergency. Please feel free to contact anytime at HEALTH & SAFETY Students who are absent from school for a period of three days or longer for medical illnesses will only be permitted to return to school with medical clearance (i.e. a doctor’s certificate). Students sent to school exhibiting any symptoms of the conditions listed below will be sent home immediately (click on these links for more information): ​ Gastroenteritis (vomiting and/or runny stool) Ear, nose, or throat infections with fever Conjunctivitis (red eye, pink eye) Ring worm Impetigo Chicken Pox Mumps Measles ​ Any other disease or ailment designated by the Ministry of Education as requiring absence from school. If a student falls ill or suffers injury during school hours, the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately. If for some reason the parents/guardians can not be reached, your emergency contact filed at the office will be notified. Depending on the severity of the illness or injury, and if permission has been granted on the registration forms, the school will seek immediate medical attention. Students who must be issued medication, other than the Ventolin inhaler, during school hours, must remain home for the duration of the illness. Principals, teachers and other staff members are NOT permitted to issue medication to a student on the school premises.
  • Behaviour and Disclipline
    Wills Primary is a positive learning environment where we keep minds and bodies active and try to leave little room for behavioral problems to arise. We expect students to accept responsibility for their behavior and understand that there are both positive and negative consequences resulting from both appropriate and inappropriate actions. ​ We do not, at any time, engage in administering corporal punishment at this school. Students are rewarded or disciplined on a merit and demerit system. Merits are give for effort and appropriate behavior. Demerits are given for lack of effort and disruptive behavior. ​ Inappropriate behavior will result in the following steps being taken: ​ LEVEL 1: One demerit will result in a verbal warning. ​ LEVEL 2: Two demerits will result in a time out period in which the student, depending on class level, will be issued lines or an academic assignment to be completed during the detention period. ​ LEVEL 3: Students who acquire 3 consecutive demerits for inappropriate behavior such as insubordination, fighting or bullying, will be place on Disciplinary Probation. Disciplinary Probation will be issued to students who persistently disobey or deliberately break the rules. The probationary period will be issued as a warning to both students and parents. After this time, if there is no noticeable improvement in the student’s behavior, the student will be suspended for a period of time determined by the Principals. ​ LEVEL 4: Students will be IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED for the following: Use of profanity, vulgarity or inappropriate actions, conversations or behavior amongst or towards members of the staff or other students. Any student caught with a cellular phone on his/her person will be immediately suspended in compliance with the Ministry of Education, Education Act. ​ LEVEL 5: SEVERE CLAUSE The following behavior will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION Engaging in violent or threatening behavior Possession of fire arms, fireworks, knives, or ANY illegal substances Use of derogatory racial slurs
  • Parking and Field Trip Policy
    PARKING POLICY There is NO parking at any time in front of the main school gate OR in Elcourt Clinic’s car park. Those parents who wish to park are asked to do so in the vacant lot adjacent to the school. Otherwise, please take advantage of the pick-up/drop-off system we have designed to ease traffic and make the drop -off experience simpler. Join the queue of vehicles arriving at the front gate and we will assist your child out of the car and escourt him/her through the gate or call for them to come to the gate after school on our speaker system while you wait in your vehicle. We appreciate your cooperation and consideration in this matter. FIELD TRIPS POLICY Field trips are an important part of the educational program and are organized under the supervision of the class teacher. Permission slips will be sent home with the child for their parent/guardian’s signature. Students without a signed field trip permission slip WILL NOT be allowed to participate.
  • Homework Policy
    Homework is issued as a reinforcement of concepts being taught throughout the day. Homework assignments must be completed in the time frame assigned. Detention will be issued for homework assignments not completed. Please speak directly to your child’s teacher about homework so that you can best assist your child at home.

Wills Primary School has been nationally recognised as one of the most diverse, unique and academically excelling schools in Barbados.


Phone: (246) 418-9833

Location: "Elcourt House" Maxwell Main Road, Christ Church, Barbados


Thank you for contacting us.

© 2023 by Wills Primary School. All rights reserved. Created & Powered by CACharles Inc.

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